Welcome to Saving Grace Bible Church
a community united in love with a singular aim: to glorify God. Our cornerstone is Christ-centered worship, the pinnacle of which is found in the sermon message. Every Sunday from 10:30 am, we gather as a diverse family, different ages, backgrounds, and ethnicities—unified through the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Lord’s Day
Join us on Sundays at Saving Grace Bible Church, immersed in worship and embracing God’s Word.
Our Faith
Foundations of Faith: Explore the Bible’s truth, God’s triune nature, salvation, the Church, angels, last things, and the essence of being Christian.
The Gospel
Explore the absolute holiness of God, humanity’s struggle with sin, the weight of sin’s consequence, salvation through Jesus, and genuine faith.
Lord's Day Services
Sunday Morning 10:30am
Join our main service church every Sunday to develop a solid foundation based on the true biblical gospel teachings and worship of our almighty God.
Sunday Evening 5:30pm
Our Evening Service amplifies Sunday's teachings, delving deeper into the morning's message for practical application in daily life.
Recent Sermons
About us
At Saving Grace Bible Church, we aim to exalt the name of our Lord Jesus Christ and magnify the truths of Scripture in West Meadows, Victoria. We stand as a steadfast lighthouse of Christ-centered reformed dispensationalist theology, embracing the principles of Calvinism and the literal future of Bible prophecies with unwavering devotion. Learn more about our church >